Men’s Association

The Men’s Association comprises of all men between the ages of 36 and 59 years within the Church and was formed in the year 2019.

Mission: To organise prayer groups involving all the men of the parish, sing hymns and pray to GOD for their needs and the needs of the church and community.

Extending a helping hand to poor and needy men of the church and our community is also a key mission of Men’s Association.
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Men’s Association Committee (2021-22)

President & Vicar: Rev. Fr. Bijo Varghese
Vice President: Mr. George Kurian
Secretary: Mrs. Sunesh Abraham
Treasurer: Mr. Sajan Narekat

Committee members:
1. Mr. Abraham Kolasseril
2. Mr. Allwyn Mathews
3. Mr. Eldho Thomas

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